Prof. Knox-Hayes examines the ways in which social and environmental systems are governed under changing temporal and spatial scales as a consequence of globalization. She has conducted extensive research in the United States, Europe and the Asia-Pacific on the use of market mechanisms to govern climate change. In addition she has studied how individuals and organizations plan and make decisions under conditions of socio-economic uncertainty. Her latest project examines how social values shape sustainable development in the Arctic. Prof. Knox-Hayes has been the recipient of an SSRC Abe Fellowship for study of environmental finance in the Asia-Pacific and a Fulbright Fellowship for study of sustainable decision-making in Iceland.
Selected Publications:
Knox-Hayes, J. (2016). The Cultures of Markets: The Political Economy of Climate Governance. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Knox-Hayes J. and J. Hayes. 2014. “Technocratic Norms, Political Culture and Climate Change Governance.” Geografiska Annaler B, 96 (3): 261-276.
Hayes, J. and J. Knox-Hayes. 2014. “The Role of Security in the Construction of Climate Change Policy in Europe and the United States.” Global Environmental Politics, 14 (2): 82-101.
Knox-Hayes, J. 2013. “The spatial and temporal dynamics of value in financialization: analysis of the infrastructure of carbon markets.” Geoforum, 50 (December 2013): 117–128.
Knox-Hayes, J., M. Brown, B. Sovacool, and Y. Wang. 2013. “Understanding Attitudes toward Energy Security: Results of a Cross-National Survey.” Global Environmental Change, 23 (2013): 609–622.
Bansal, P. and J. Knox-Hayes. 2013. “The Time and Space of Materiality in Organizations and the Environment.” Organization and Environment, 26(1): 61-82.
Additional Publications: https://mv-ezproxy-com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/publications