News + Media

EPA uses scenarios to evaluate gains for agriculture, health and other global concerns

Vulnerable coastal regions could face storm surges of unprecedented magnitude in the next century

Study explains how rain droplets attract aerosols out of the atmosphere

Paul O'Gorman: Extreme storm modeler

New findings show Asia produces twice as much mercury emissions as previously thought.
Study finds many species may die out and others may migrate significantly as ocean acidification intensifies.

MIT analysis informs a new EPA report on the effects of curbing climate change.

MIT Energy Initiative | China Energy and Climate Project researchers conclude that by designing and implementing aggressive long-term measures now, Chinese policy makers will put the nation on a path to achieve recently pledged emissions reductions with relatively modest impacts on economic growth.

MIT Spectrum interviews MIT alumnus Kenneth Strzepek, who led a nonpartisan panel of 17 experts to investigate the international water debate between Egypt and Ethiopia in the hopes of forging a common solution.

MIT researcher Sergey Paltsev studies how to supply the world's growing need for energy—without harming the climate.