European-Led Climate Policy versus Global Mitigation Action: Implications on Trade, Technology, and Energy

Joint Program Reprint • Journal Article
European-Led Climate Policy versus Global Mitigation Action: Implications on Trade, Technology, and Energy
De Cian, E., I. Keppo, J. Bollen, S. Carrara, H. Fí¶rster, M. Hí¼bler, A. Kanudia, S. Paltsev, R.D. Sands and Katja Schumacher (2013)
Climate Change Economics, 4(Suppl. 1): 1340002

Reprint 2013-34 [Download]


This paper examines how changes in an international climate regime would affect the European decarbonization strategy and costs through the mechanisms of trade, technology, and innovation. We present the results from the Energy Modeling Forum (EMF) model comparison study on European climate policy to 2050. Moving from a no-policy scenario to an existing-policies case reduces all energy imports, on average. Introducing a more stringent climate policy target for the EU only leads to slightly greater global emission reductions. Consumers and producers in Europe bear most of the additional burden and inevitably face some economic losses. More ambitious mitigation action outside Europe, especially when paired with a well-operating global carbon market, could reduce the burden for Europe significantly. Because of global learning, the costs of wind and especially solar-PV in Europe would decline below the levels observed in the existing-policy case and increased R&D spending outside the EU would leverage EU R&D investments as well.

© 2013 the authors


De Cian, E., I. Keppo, J. Bollen, S. Carrara, H. Fí¶rster, M. Hí¼bler, A. Kanudia, S. Paltsev, R.D. Sands and Katja Schumacher (2013): European-Led Climate Policy versus Global Mitigation Action: Implications on Trade, Technology, and Energy. Climate Change Economics, 4(Suppl. 1): 1340002 (
  • Joint Program Reprint
  • Journal Article
European-Led Climate Policy versus Global Mitigation Action: Implications on Trade, Technology, and Energy

De Cian, E., I. Keppo, J. Bollen, S. Carrara, H. Fí¶rster, M. Hí¼bler, A. Kanudia, S. Paltsev, R.D. Sands and Katja Schumacher

4(Suppl. 1): 1340002


This paper examines how changes in an international climate regime would affect the European decarbonization strategy and costs through the mechanisms of trade, technology, and innovation. We present the results from the Energy Modeling Forum (EMF) model comparison study on European climate policy to 2050. Moving from a no-policy scenario to an existing-policies case reduces all energy imports, on average. Introducing a more stringent climate policy target for the EU only leads to slightly greater global emission reductions. Consumers and producers in Europe bear most of the additional burden and inevitably face some economic losses. More ambitious mitigation action outside Europe, especially when paired with a well-operating global carbon market, could reduce the burden for Europe significantly. Because of global learning, the costs of wind and especially solar-PV in Europe would decline below the levels observed in the existing-policy case and increased R&D spending outside the EU would leverage EU R&D investments as well.

© 2013 the authors